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Water Safety Education

Multiple Layers of Protection

Constant Adult Supervision

Stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings with close, constant, and capable adult supervision from a designated adult water watcher and lifeguard anytime keiki are in or around water. Water Watchers should have a phone with them and limit distractions with full attention on the keiki.

Communication & Boundaries

It is key to communicate with your keiki prior to entering any body of water. Make sure they always ask for permission from an adult prior to getting in the water. The responsible adult must set boundaries (using landmarks) for where the keiki can and cannot go. For example, stay directly in front of the lifeguard tower and do not go past knee deep water.  

Pool Fences & Alarms


It's important to use four-sided fencing (at least 4ft tall) with self-closing, self-latching gates and alarm systems, to help prevent keiki and unauthorized individuals from accessing water unsupervised. Never prop open gates with a rock, slipper or anything else. This possess a high risk for unauthorized access to water with the potential for drowning.

Survival Based Swim Lessons

Every keiki and adult should be equipped with the skills to protect themselves in and around the water by learning and mastering water safety or survival-based swim skills. This can greatly reduce the risk of drowning and aquatic-related injuries.



When used appropriately, life jackets can protect keiki. Life jackets should be used when keiki are not expecting to be in the water, especially around open water or a moving vessel (boat, jet ski, surf board). Ensure the life jackets fits your keiki properly, it must be tested & USCG approved.


*Note that using a floatation devise during free swim or in water play time can actually put your keiki at a higher risk for drowning. Click link for more info.

Learn CPR

Becoming certified in CPR & AED for the adult, child and infant is essential and often times the last chance of survival when presented with a drowning incident. During a drowning situation, time is essential and knowing the proper steps to take can save a life!

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